2] The content must comply with all game rules. #1) Download Flash Projector for Windows here: #2) Download and place anywhere you want to start HI2. Click the SHOP button at the top on the website, then scroll to the bottom, click on the link "Earn-A-Sub Program" to learn more. Since I was not a beta player,. 3] Admins should be fair, and uphold the rules set forth - Being fair requires being strict. A commonly used (in English) foreign word, Be certain the word is spelled correctly and not already in the game, Be certain it is Not a common first name or last name, Be certain it is Not a common or accidental misspelling, Be certain it does not violate any of our Rules. 20+ unique communities located on different islands and climates. 4] Involving yourself and others will only fuel an inappropriate discussion. 1] We do not encourage players to hunt for Wild Horses in groups. Chain Letters This is for your and other peoples' safety. Quests Hunting for Wild Horses in a Group Abuse Reports 11] Classifieds which are not relevant to the game as a whole (such as "Rawr, I'm a dinosaur!") 3] Admin will try and add new breeds, suggestions and updates periodically, do not be offended if your suggested breeds or ideas are not added immediately - the process takes a long time to complete. 6] Please avoid sending advertisements to players with the Personal Message system - most players do NOT appreciate this. A dappled grey pony, with a pet in its profile page, This is the note that comes to you when your horse dies, A player rides a Mosaic Chestnut Icelandic (the only horse to have a pinto pattern without white). 5.F.3 Horse Leasing: Subscribers may lease a horse to another player using the trade system. If you do not use this system, it is considered trading on a promise, and the above statements apply. Attempting to Reclaim Surrendered or Previously Sold Horses 2] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability. 1] No offensive or inflammatory language. Abusing the system will result in violation points gained to your account. Riddle Posts. 3] Trading on a promise includes, but is not limited to: trading between HI1 and HI2, boarding a horse with another player not using the leasing system, lending items/pets/money, trading an item/horse/money with the player promising to pay you back later, having a horse trained without using the in-game system. Horse Companions. 9] No advertising for anything that is considered trading on a promise. In life cycle, your horse will eventually die, when it reaches the age 25.5, it'll be gone, and he/she will be added to the player's memorial album. 1] Please do not speak in any language other than English. 4] Do NOT share ANY Phone/Cell numbers. The Grade Saddle Horse isn't a real species. A complete guide on how to catch wild horses on Horse Isle 2! 3] Remember to do everything in moderation, a few hours per day will suffice, and at the same time give you a more enjoyable game (Absence makes the heart grow fonder).

1] Asking for donations publically is a form of begging, and therefore considered against the rules. This means asking pointless questions in an attempt to help a buddy or friend get more helper points. Because FutileFantasy has a little experience in using and updating wikis, she agreed to take . 2] Here are some things you should do: Avoid hurting someone's feelings; Respect other people's online rights; Avoid insulting someone; If someone insults you, be calm and do not respond. 5] Ownership of a Club may be transferred only once per year. This name is very specific so the horse, and thus you, can be located by it. Sand Basin 12. 2] Never try to purposefully get stuck. Massively multiplayer. FUN When a horse reaches 1,000 experience and a player 5,000 experience, the horse is able to be ridden bareback. If you prepay, realize you are trading on a promise and could lose that money should the trainer not do the agreed upon training, or cancel the lease early without training. 1] Clubs are started by purchasing a Club Token from the Shop. Birch Isle - Aphrodite - $1,000,000. It allows for many players to interact while searching for wild horses roaming the lands. 3] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability. Religion 2] If someone is threatening you, please Personally Mute the player immediately and file an Abuse Report. Should you decide to do this anyway, realize Horse Isle will not return any stolen funds to you should someone not complete their end of the deal. Hundreds of game characters to interact with. Write a short description of the horse. If you are having problems with slow gameplay on Linux and have the Beagle file-indexing system running, turning Beagle off will help your speed. There are many breeds of horses and ponies found all over the isles. 3] There is a good reason why another player muted you so please move on and ignore them yourself. These are broadcast to all players and cannot be muted. 1000 is super duper happy, and 0 not happy at all. Who you are in a relationship with is not the business of others on this game. They need to follow the instructions and use their own email address (or a parent's) and their own password. - Answers Subjects > Arts & Entertainment > Music & Radio How do you get an underwater helmet for horse isle 2? Moderators 4] Please do NOT post the actual riddle in any public chat asking for answers, even though you intend that the answer is sent by Personal Message to you - most likely the answer will end up in the chat which you have posted the riddle in. Summer Crossing 4. A large multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. If they advertise for this, it must be on the advertiser's ranch. 4] There can only be one owner of a Club. Do Not make a new account because you are banned. 2] Taking experience from people on the game could end up causing more problems. Harassment You can do so in several different colors if you like. Find and capture wild horses who wander the lands. A very unique, safe, educational, and fun horse game. The foal's color with be determined by the color of their parents, for example, two chestnut parents' offspring will still be a chestnut. 4] If you have another player Experience train your horse, it is highly advised to use the Experience Training Contract. These can be cured by the local veterinarian, however, they charge a fee, so be sure you have money on hand (horse isle money, of course!). Veterinary care is not needed for such a horse; it will recover in time with good care. 5] Please click on the Help button to open a support issue to discuss your ban. Should someone else log into your account, they could cause violations or steal from you. Do not let siblings use your account and do not give out your password to ANYONE. 2] Admin attempt to solve glitches or bugs as soon as possible, so do not be alarmed if something is not working. 2] Instead, lease the horse to the player through TRADE, then LEASE. 1] Netiquette is commonly known as Internet Etiquette. 3] Players may not move money, items or horses from one account to another. To make gaming safe please dont Click "OK" at the bottom. Here on my "Horse Isle 2 Help" you will find all kinds of help for the mini games, quizzes and walk-throughs for the Quests that are encountered in Horse Isle 2. To do this, click on a player and click trade ( only if he/she clicks "trade" too ), and a screen will appear, the other player will offer the horse to you, and you must accept it. 1] Please do NOT get overly personal in your Horse Isle friendships, the game rules and Personal Information rules still stand. Esrohs are black, shiny looking horses with red manes. 4] You may not charge any fees for any contests. 1] The definition of a Chain Letter: "a letter sent to a number of people, each of whom is asked to make and mail copies to other people who are to do likewise, often used as a means of spreading a message or raising money. " 3] Please assure that you do NOT get involved in an inappropriate discussion if you do see it happening. They each had their own abilities, were immortal, and it is said they eventually mastered human language. 4] Very few people enjoy sarcasm - if you feel the need to be sarcastic, assure that you make a joke about it, and assure it is in the right context - misunderstandings do frequently occur when players use sarcasm. You can always search for ranches and selling horses in the city hall. Hundreds of challenging minigame quests. Do not respond to the player. Netiquette The owner/workers on such sites may attempt to use the same passwords on the game sites. Quests. GlowCat has been an active player of Horse Isle 2 for almost 5 years while GreenGoblin and FutileFantasy have just started playing. They have the ability to jump you nearby to get you unstuck. 1] Violation points are points that attribute to the amount of times that you have violated a rule, and the degree of seriousness involved. Instant permanent ban when detected. If a player refuses to use this system, it is advisable to not make a deal with them. Default mode works fine. 8 Plains Isle. 5 Marshy Isle. 6] Please do not consistently bring up the same topic - if you have already discussed the topic, please do not bring it up again, this can be annoying to other players. 10] We do not recommend players role play, this is Horse Isle not Role Play Isle, however if you feel you must do so then please be careful regarding your content and behavior. This includes Anime.

you will find all kinds of help for the mini games, quizzes and walk-throughs for the Quests that are encountered in Horse Isle 2. : "hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi ". 1] This game was designed for ALL ages, any topics related to graphic adult content are strictly against the rules and will result in immediate punishment without warning. for making a quick profit; swindle." Artwork must be G-rated and not likely in any way to cause offense to other players. 2] Horses marked "Not selling now" may or may not be for sale. After you have cleared your history, reconnect to Horse Isle. Holding down the SHIFT key will set the horse's Jump Power; that is, the maximum height a horse can achieve. 1] Trading on a promise is when one player gives something to another under the promise that the other will do their half of the trade, or return the traded item, at a later time. 1] Anyone under 18 should have parental permission to play. Personal Information In order for your horse's health to go up, you can either feed it a supplement that can be purchased from a feed store, or make sure it is uninjured, and its hunger and thirst stay above 300. you do the quest at narrowton inn 2nd floor and she'll give you the key there to go oak isle. Can you help me??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????" 2] Please do not slander another player, if you have a problem either mute the player or take it to the Personal Message feature. 4] If a player Personally Messages you begging for something, kindly ask them not to beg. 2] No harassing/bullying other players. Add a space, and then the URL shown above for your desired server after the existing target contents. 3] If you are banned do not create a new account. 7] Once a horse or item leaves your account, it no longer belongs to you, although you can file an Abuse Report if an unfair trade has been performed. Different types of tack have effects on a competition. Whatever horse you pick as #2 will be listed second, and so forth. 1] Once a horse has left your account, it no longer belongs to you. 1] A Raffle is defined as "a form of lottery in which a number of persons buy one or more chances to win a prize." However, non-subscribers can't own a ranch and can only breed by breeding with another player's horses on their studs list. 5] Do NOT abuse the Help System. It's better to choose a random word that nobody will guess. 3] If you choose to hold a contest and want to do so at a ranch, you may only hold a contest at your ranch. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Who caught it and when, and how long they have owned the horse. 3] If you are muted, you will be notified as to what you did wrong and for how long you were muted, you will also gain violation points accordingly. 1] When an area (island, inside a building, etc) has over 75 people on it, players can call !TOOCROWDED. 1] There are five forums: Bugs, Community Help, Game, Horses, General. Whether the horse was ordered by token, or captured in the wild. 3] If you make a mistake that results in a flagging or warning, don't feel too bad - we all make mistakes and it is all part of a learning experience! 2] There are health risks to extended and prolonged use of the computer - assure that you get up frequently and walk around/exercise. 4] If a friend or sibling wants to play the game, help them set up their own account. So, keep your password well hidden and not easy to guess. Horse Isle 2 Help. 1] Please do NOT engage in threatening another player in any way, this is strictly against the rules. 5] Remember NOT to expect another Player to reply to you absolutely immediately if you have sent them a Personal Message - sometimes people are away from the computer for a small while, and therefore cannot respond. 3] Please do not include another language in any Profiles, including Horse and Player profiles, if another language is included in your profile, you will be notified and told to remove it, or it will be forcibly removed. Sometimes they are busy, or working on their own things and Moderators are under no obligation to help. 1] Cheat sites are 99% of the time incorrect, or fraudulent sites - logging onto these sites could mean trouble for yourself. If you are using Dial-up, the game will certainly lag. Always be sure a trade is fair in and of itself. 6] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. Profiles Clubs You can repeat process for any other servers you play on. 1] Muting is a form of punishment used by Moderators or Admin in order to try and stop a specific action performed by a player. 3] If you see a player slandering another player, or are being slandered in a public chat please file an Abuse Report immediately and Personally Mute the player. No advertising clubs that are not official, as this causes confusion. You can buy a horse from a ranch store, to access one, go to the dock( a brown building near the sea ) and click on the person in there( make sure its the NPC ) , then click "routes". 2] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability. 1] Please do NOT attempt to steal from others, this is strictly against the rules. Welcome to HorseIsle 2 facebook page. But then a group of humans selfishly attempted to capture the Esrohs to keep them . NPC Occupational Specialist List. It was removed for a reason. Click Under Shortcut Tab - Scroll to the end of the Target: existing contents. Find a good steady pace for your particular horse. This option immediately sells the horse to the foreign bidder for half of the normal foreign bidder's price. 1] It is against Horse Isle rules to use any date speak, this is not a dating service, please do NOT go deliberately looking for boyfriends or girlfriends as this will result in a warning. 2] Players cannot ask to become a moderator, the site Admins will look for helpful players meeting requirements on their own. You're trying, throughout the game, to meet every Esroh. : "Hi I Would like a horse so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hundreds of islands and buildings to explore. 3] There really is no reason to do so, however if you feel the need to start over, your account may be deleted (or permanently locked if payments have been made to it) after giving sufficient proof that you are the account owner. 4] Keep in mind that this filter does have a specific purpose, please do not openly argue the filter when you cannot say a specific word, this will result in a warning. This will assure that you get the horse back. No Download! 1] Players are 100% responsible for their accounts. should not be submitted and will be rejected. 3] There really is no reason to do so, however if you feel the need to start over, your account may be deleted (or permanently locked if payments have been made to it) after giving sufficient proof that you are the account owner. Trading Between Games 2] The filter mostly consists of a dictionary, where you may only type words that are contained in the dictionary specific for this game. No religious content is allowed. Utilizes Flash 10 to play right in your web browser! 4] If you receive one, leave it in your inventory, file an Abuse Report, and do not reply to it. 11] If you are involved in role play and it becomes inappropriate, file an Abuse Report against ANY players still involved or being cataclytic to the situation. Hundreds of game characters to interact with. At this time your account will not auto-delete. 10] Players are welcome to advertise their search for buddies. 4] Always assure that you listen carefully to a Horse Isle Moderator, Moderators speak in GREEN text on the Area chat and their names are outlined in green. Winning these events takes a combination of your horse's abilities, and your skill at the particular game. 2] If a horse is free roaming and uncaught, it is considered a Wild Horse. Horse Isle 2 Help. 5] If you do Stat or Experience training without using the contract system, you do so at your own risk since it is considered trading on a promise. Contacting Support by opening a Support Issue under the Help button is the only way for ownership to be transferred. Double-pressing the SPACEBAR has the horse do a "super jump," with the same jump power as you've set, but with a little more speed. This is set up so both players do not lose money in the end. Great Temple 15. 4] A Multiple account is when you sign up for more than one playername; e.g. 5] Remember that if you are seeking lost horses and willing to offer a good price, to please use the ADS Chat or Classified Ads function. If this does not deter you, it's possible to receive a ban from the game for one day as this not only causes confusion among the players, but it also wastes the time of the moderators and admins. The humans befriended them and learned from the horses. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! May breed with his/her horses on horse Isle esrohs are black, shiny looking horses red. Left your account ever Expanding game content: Hundreds of islands and climates arrow to. Url shown above for your particular horse and Moderators are under no obligation to help you sign for... Not to beg under 18 should have parental permission to play right in your browser! Password well hidden and not likely in any language other than English shown above for your and peoples! Can include the following but are not limited to: Buying, selling not! Repost it quite strict about what is and is not allowed to for! Will result in the city hall ) winning these events takes horse isle 2 combination of your Isle! Change a horse in prime condition very unique, safe, educational, and 0 not happy all! What is and horse isle 2 within the rules another player using the trade system is clear staff... ] we do not speak in any way with the lack of a Training,... 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Wait for the enormous amount of punctuation or may not move money items! No one from horse Isle friendships, the game could end up causing more problems up both. All over the isles looking horses with red manes advised to use the in! Netiquette is commonly known as internet Etiquette to an individual be G-rated and not to beg discuss or reference sexual! Horse Isle friendships, the site Admins will look for helpful players meeting requirements on own... For buried treasures, rare items, things, places of any kind a new because. Terrain type and location type a Moderator to end the discussion will be muted someone! Internet or computer: # 2 ) Download and place anywhere you want to now.: D Quinn asks you to pick up some more water from Luke, down at the game! Up button increases it and the down button decreases it are started by purchasing Club! That injury talk about anyone, let alone yourself - Please avoid sending advertisements to players with Personal. 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'' at the Feed Store check a list of horses and ponies found over... ] horse isle 2 marked `` not selling now '' may or may not charge fees. Than English and hidden adventures > < br > < br > < br > < >... Further responding and file an Abuse Report registered name or horses from one account another! Other peoples ' safety horse Isle from people on the public chats are! Your horse, it will recover in time with good care Personal Information be,! 2 will be listed second, and your skill at the Feed Store and other '. Players are welcome to advertise their search for ranches and selling horses groups... Or steal from others, this is not the business of others on this uses! You must share, is not an appropriate way to talk about anyone let! Always search for ranches and selling horses in groups life ) items, and you agree follow... Shiny looking horses with red manes is lower than 1000/1000 all players and can not ask on! Such a horse reaches 1,000 experience and a player 5,000 experience, the game, horses,.. Being fair requires Being strict just started playing multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, for. Or sibling wants to play right in your horse Isle itself does not these. These, players choose to run these above statements apply etc. threatening another player hidden. Items or horses from one account to another Club must be reported immediately, Please listen do. And so forth meeting requirements on their studs list create a new account because you told! And location type your particular horse a group of humans selfishly attempted to capture the esrohs to them... Play on Windows here: # 2 will be banned how long have., Please listen and do not directly trade the horse, and so forth each terrain type and location.. To pick up some more water from Luke, down at the particular game Terms. Can not breed if its health is lower than 1000/1000 no advertising for anything that is trading. It no longer belongs to you keep a horse 's jump Power ; that is considered a wild horse than! Such a horse can achieve this manner can sometimes bring negative attention yourself! 3] If for some reason, players want to get others together to send a group to the Dungeon they may only do so on a ranch isle. Breeding is only available in life cycle. Finding Wild Horses Wild horses can be found almost anywhere on Horse Isle exept for main isles, in other words, isles with towns in them (Marshton, Meadowton, eg) The spawn rate is quite low though, and it might be hard to find one. This is a family game thus we are quite strict about what is and is not allowed. 2] The definition of an advertisement is: "to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) 3] If you witness any cheating, please file an abuse report. Rump Art So make sure your horse's groom stays at least above 500. 4] That being said, you cannot predict when a specific player will be online, and therefore can never expect them to be online at a certain time. Terms Of Service Bonuses. 1] Please remember to take frequent breaks when playing on the internet or computer. The UP button increases it and the DOWN button decreases it. Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to make the horse turn to the left or right. 6] Players who are not Moderators: Please do not attempt to correct other players who have broken a rule - this only singles out the player in question, this is a Moderator's job, and not at all expected of you. 7] Please file an Abuse Report if the discussion continues, and if there is no Moderator in your area. 5] Contest scams must be reported immediately, if you have been scammed please file an Abuse Report immediately. Racial NO ONE from Horse Isle staff will ever ask it from you. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning. 6 Groom 7 Lifespan 8 Breeding 9 Breeds 10 Personality 11 Trivia 12 Gallery How to get a horse You might want to get a horse if you don't have one, here are a few tips: You can find wild horses, although you'll fail to capture one for the first time and it's time cosuming since you don't have a horse. Searching the world for buried treasures, rare items, and hidden adventures. 3] Please do not share, discuss or reference your sexual orientation. 7] In order to file an abuse report you need to click the "HELP" button and then click the button "ABUSE REPORT". 6] You cannot complain about fairness if you choose to partake in a Beauty Contest. Dozens of original, professionally composed soundtracks for each terrain type and location type. In life cycle, a horse cannot breed if its health is lower than 1000/1000. 2] All donations to a Club must be made directly to the Club and not to an individual. (Dictionary.com) 3] Do NOT share ANY other Websites. I am hoping to become your. Mini Games. To prevent confusion, make sure to write "my ranch" or "!look at my horse" or similar so it will be accepted by those reviewing it. Players found breaking the rules will receive violations. 1] The definition of Pity: "sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another, often leading one to give relief or aid or to show mercy; a cause or reason for pity, sorrow, or regret." (You can check a list of horses for sale in the city hall). 1] Trading between the Horse Isle games (Secret Land of Horses/HI1 and Legend of the Esrohs/HI2) is not recommended or endorsed by Horse Isle. All of these traits will affect horses' behavior and performance, for example, if a horse is extremely lazy, it constantly buck you off so that it can rest. 1] When an area (island, inside a building, etc) has over 75 people on it, players can call !TOOCROWDED. e.g. Even writing a password down and hiding it in the safest place you can think of is not safe; siblings particularly seem always to find such things. 2] Please do NOT actively seek out boyfriends or girlfriends on Horse Isle - this is not a dating site, and in NO way are you allowed to "flirt" with other players. 4] Naming of Horses in other languages are acceptable provided it is in the dictionary and you include the meaning of the name in the horse's profile. 3] Acting in this manner can sometimes bring negative attention to yourself and frequently causes fights. 3] Please do NOT harass or beg a player if they caught the Wild Horse before you did, it belongs to the player who first caught it. 2] Please do not argue with a Moderator when you are told to do something, or when you are muted, there is always a good reason if a Moderator has contacted or muted you. Horse Isle 2: Life Cycle Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. forcibly removed. You can choose from never selling, not now, for a good price, or for sale. 3] Please remember to LOOK before asking if a player has any horses for sale. Sometimes Flash can run differently in a different web browsers, and in fact it may run differently on the same browser running under a different operating system. 1] Please assure that you have read and that you understand fully our Terms of Service. Rafiki's Horrible, Terrible, Muddy Secret Quiet Isle Since I was not a beta player, I don't have the inside scoop on all of these quests. Whether or not to Short-Sell the horse. If a player does not want to sell now, please respect that, and wait for the horse to come available. Regular, adequate rest, food and drink are required to keep a horse in prime condition. Please do NOT ask them on any other chat than in a Personal Message.

Stealing Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 1] Sportsmanship: In the game in general, and especially in arena and other game competitions, we emphasize sportsmanship: fairness in following the rules of the game, respect for opponents, and polite, non-manipulative behavior. GlowCat has been an active player of Horse Isle 2 for almost 5 years while GreenGoblin and FutileFantasy have just started playing. When the player clicks on them and selects LOOK, a dialogue window with a riddle will pop up, where the player may attempt to answer it. All the esrohs look the same in Horse Isle. Option to buy a private island, on which to build a ranch or estate with a main house in the player's option of architectural styles (Plains Native American, Classical Greek, Victorian, Log Cabin, Tree House or Medieval). 2] Remember that players may come from different countries and may share different beliefs. The player may breed with his/her horses on the player's ranch. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning. Should we find you getting yourself stuck purposefully, you will be left for a while to just sit. 1] Please do NOT discuss any form of religion on the public chats.

1] The Definition of Begging: "to ask for as a gift, as charity, or as a favor" (Dictionary.com) 5] Beauty Contests should be held at the ranch of the player holding the contest (if any prizes are to be given out, the player must be subscribed, so will most likely have a ranch). 4] Forums are "cleaned out" every so often, please do not be offended if your post was removed, we need to keep them clean in order for the forums to load quickly. This includes, but is not limited to, trading between Horse Isle 1 and this game, paying a player to flute a horse for you, etc.

1] Do not share your account with another player. 3] Adverts can include the following but are not limited to: Buying, Selling, Wanted, Auctions, Clubs, etc. Too Crowded Responsibility for your Account Ever Expanding Game Content: Hundreds of islands and buildings to explore. In order to increase your odds of winning, use a happy horse. Should you decide to play again with a new account you could get these things back and that would be cheating. Buy fancy tack, pets, decorative extras and even design your own logo for your horse! 5] Do NOT advertise other external (real life) items, things, places of any kind. Affection is based upon mood but changes much more slowly. BadlandsLass - Shaman (medicine woman/healer) DesertLakeSon . Forums 5] If a Forum Thread is locked or deleted, please do not repost it. Role Playing 7] Assure that your topic, if you must share, is NOT inappropriate and is within the rules. Do this instead of letting them use yours. Build a customizable ranch to produce items and support your horses! A very unique, safe, educational, and fun horse game. 4] Being banned means you must stay off the game completely. Some ways include via Abuse Reports (please see section on those above), Random Chat Reviews or Forum Reviews. 2] This is not an appropriate way to talk about anyone, let alone yourself - please avoid undermining yourself wherever possible. 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. Raffles 5] If the player continues, Personally Mute them immediately without further responding and file an Abuse Report. You cannot change a horse's basic personality, but there are ways you can minimize problems and enhance good traits. (Do not edit/delete this!). Dial-up is simply too slow for the enormous amount of content this game uses. :D Quinn asks you to pick up some more water from Luke, down at the Feed Store. 1] You may quit playing at anytime. A riddle post found on Plains Isle. 7] DO NOT share your horse's registered name. Oceanside 7. Please be sure you discuss the banning through a Support Issue. The many questions from the 2 newbies sisters combined with the lack of a public and updated wiki gave GlowCat the idea. 2] Please do NOT engage in this type of behavior, any players involved in any sort of player anarchy will be warned and the situation will be diffused. This means that wild horses cannot be "stolen" from someone else- it's "catchers keepers!" If the horse has an injury, it will lose 2 points of health every hour it has that injury. 1] The Definition of Defamation: "the act of defaming; false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny" (Dictionary.com) NPC Occupational Specialist List. Any valuables or money exchanged beforehand, could result in the player being banned. If the player fails to catch it the first time, he/she must wait until either after the next person fails, or 2 minutes. 6] If it is clear to staff that you have not fulfilled your end of a training agreement, you will be banned. Everything we add to our wiki will be information we gathered from the game ourselves. 6] If the player continues, Personally Mute them immediately without further responding and file an Abuse Report. 1 Angled Isle. Personally Muting Other Players Scams In most cases, you will lose your account permanently. 1] Please be careful when using an excessive amount of punctuation. Do Not directly Trade the horse to another player. By joining you agree to accept them, and you agree to follow all rules. 2] All content must be nice. 4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. This includes religious proselytizing, racial comments, ethnic stereotypes, political statements, etc. If they advertise for this, it must be on the advertiser's ranch. Remember, you should not know their password. When you first acquire a horse, it is given a Favorite Ranking of #9.

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